The Artificial Intelligence Group was founded in 1999 to consolidate and promote research and teaching in the field within University Rey Juan Carlos. Ever since, the group’s activities comprise a variety of research lines in AI that are tied together by the intelligent agent paradigm. Research contributions were made in fields such as Multiagent Systems, Knowledge Modelling, Information Retrieval, and Semantic Technologies. The outcomes of research were applied and tested in a variety of domains, including Mobile Health, Transportation Management, Smart Grids, or E-Commerce. The following list comprises a selection of research projects and networks that the group contributed to.
Research projects:
- Towards Sustainable Intelligent Mobility: Infrastructure and Collaborative Transportation
- Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
- Lead: D. Alberto Fernández, D. Holger Billhardt
- Partners: UPV / URJC / USal
- Duration: 2019-2021
- Dynamic Co-ordination of Open Fleets in Urban Environments (SURF)
- Funding: MINECO
- Lead: D. Alberto Fernández, D. Holger Billhardt
- Partners: UPV / URJC / USal
- Duration: 2016-2018
- Social modelling of ambient intelligence applied to large installations (MOSI-AGIL)
- Funding: CAM
- Lead: D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: URJC / UPM / UCM
- Duration: 2014-2018
- Computación Social Inteligente para Sociedades Humano-Agentes (iHAS)
- Funding: MINECO
- Lead (URJC): D. Holger Billhardt
- Partners: UPV / URJC / USA
- Duration: 2013-2015
- Agreement Technologies
- Funding: MINECO (Consolider Programme)
- Lead (URJC): D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: IIIA-CSIC / UPV / URJC
- Duration: 2007-2015
- Organizaciones Virtuales Adaptativas: Técnicas y Mecanismos de Descripción y Adaptación (OVAMAH)
- Funding: MICINN
- Lead (URJC): D. Alberto Fernández
- Partners: UPV / URJC / USA
- Duration: 2010-2013
- mIO!: Tecnologías para prestar Servicios en Movilidad en el Futuro Universo Inteligente
- Funding: MITC (CENIT programme)
- Lead (URJC): D. Holger Billhardt y D. Sascha Ossowski
- Duration: 2008-2011
- MUSEOS 2.0
- Funding: MITC (PROFIT-TRACTOR programme)
- Lead (URJC): D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: Idea Informatica, Fundación Carpetania, Paradigma Tecnológico, EUVE, UPM
- Duration: 2008-2010
- Metodos, Técnicas y Herramientas para Sistemas Multiagente Abiertos (THOMAS)
- Funding: MEC
- Lead (URJC): D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: UPV / URJC / USA
- Duration: 2006-2010
- Lógicas, Deducción, y Programación para Sistemas Inteligentes
- Funding: MEC
- Lead (URJC): D. David Pearce
- Partners: UMA / ULC / URJC
- Duration: 2006-2009
- Context-Aware Business Application Service Coordination in Mobile Computing Environments (CASCOM)
- Funding: EU (FP6/IST/STREP)
- Lead (URJC): D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: DFKI / Telia-Sonera / ADETTI / URJC / EPFL / UMIT / FrameTech / EMA
- Duration: 2004-2007
- Ever-growing global scale-free networks, their provisioning, repair and unique functions (EVERGROW)
- Funding: EU (FP6/IST/IP)
- Lead (URJC): D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: SICS / ICTP / Aston U / CETIC / COLBUD / ENS / ELTE / EPFL / ER / FT /HUJI / ISI / IBM / KTH / KU / UM / Sheer / TUC / TAU / TS / UCL / UPN / UO / UPS / UR-INFM / URJC / WI / CLAES
- Duration: 2004-2007
- Instituciones Electrónicas – Extensiones de la Noción Básica (Webi2)
- Funding: MCyT
- Lead (URJC): D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: IIIA-CSIC / URJC
- Duration: 2003-2007
- Deducción y Programación en Lógicas no Clásicas para la Tecnología del Conocimiento (DELIA)
- Funding: MEC
- Lead (URJC): D. David Pearce
- Partners: UMA / URJC
- Duration: 2003-2006
- Laboratorio de Investigación Interdisciplinar en Ingeniería de la Decisión
- Funding: DMR Consulting
- Lead (URJC): D. David Ríos
- Partners: URJC
- Duration: 2002-2005
- A virtual laboratory for accessing and integrating genetic and medical information for health applications (INFOGENMED)
- Funding: EU (FP5/IST) (subcontracted)
- Lead (URJC): D. Holger Billhardt
- Partners: IEETA / ISC / LIU / Stap / UPM (URJC)
- Duration: 2002-2004
- Diseño y Aplicación de Modelos Multiagente para Ayuda a la Decisión (DAMMAD)
- Funding: MCyT
- Lead (URJC): D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: URJC / UMA / UPM / LABEIN
- Duration: 2001-2003
- Agentes Inteligentes como Asistentes personales para las Operaciones en Mercados Electrónicos (PTAs)
- Funding: CAM
- Lead: D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: URJC
- Duration: 2001-2002
- Integración y descentralización de aplicaciones de agentes para ayuda a la decisión (IDA3)
- Funding: URJC
- Lead: D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: URJC
- Duration: 2002
- Asistentes Inteligentes para Comercio Electrónico (ECA)
- Funding: URJC
- Lead: D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: URJC
- Duration: 2001
Scientific networks:
- Agreement Technologies
- Funding: ESF COST
- Lead (URJC): D. Sascha Ossowski
- Partners: COST countries
- Duration: 2008-2012
- AgentLink III: European Coordination Action for Agent-Based Computing
- Funding: EU (FP6/IST/CA)
- Node: URJC
- Duration: 2004-2005
- REDEMAP: Red Temática Nacional de Procesos de Toma de Decisiones, Modelado y Agregación de Preferencias
- Funding: MCyT
- Node: URJC
- Duration: 2004-2005
- AgentCities.ES: Creación de un Entorno Inovador para la Comunicación de Agentes Inteligentes
- Funding: MCyT
- Node: URJC
- Duration: 2003-2005
- WASP: Working Group on Answer Set Programming
- Funding: EU (FP6/FET/CA)
- Node: URJC
- Duration: 2002-2005
- EXYSTENCE: Complex Systems Network of Excellence
- Funding: EU(FP5/FET/NoE)
- Node: URJC
- Duration: 2002-2004
- AgentCities.NET
- Funding: Unión Europea (FP5/IST/Take-up)
- Node: URJC
- Duration: 2002-2003
- AgentLink II: A Network of Excellence for Agent-Based Computing
- Funding: EU (FP5/IST/NoE)
- Node: URJC
- Duration: 2001-2003